Sure, ready to rock!

Sure, ready to rock!

Rráj: Bridging Past and Present in Celebrating Kosovo's Heritage

Mar 9, 2022

Hey everyone, Korab Gashi here! Today, I'd like to take you on a spirited journey—a journey where my unstoppable ball of energy, creativity, and a sprinkle of rebellion met the challenge of celebrating Kosovo's heritage through our initiative, Rráj.

It all started post a transformative digital marketing training organized by the NGO "4-H Kosovo". The training ended with a competition that spanned across all the municipalities of Kosovo. The mission was simple yet profound: promote Kosovo's values using the hashtag #KosovoIsMyHome.

The Dream Team

Every great journey starts with a group of passionate people coming together, and our story was no different. I spearheaded the creative aspects, design, and layout, with the added responsibility of being the Team Leader. The dynamic Daolin Ajeti handled the realm of Social Media Management and supported the design aspects. Gerti Thaci, our go-to guy for outreach and copyright issues, played a crucial role. Elta Bajrami and I took charge as team leaders and presented our concepts, while she also contributed significantly to content creation. Lenda Mullabazi, with her impeccable researching skills, acted as our copywriter, and Vahide Spanca managed our ads across various social platforms. Our diverse skillsets and backgrounds were our strength. And trust me, the chemistry we shared was electric!

Challenges and Triumphs

Remember the feeling of a deadline creeping up? We had seven days to finalize posts, strategize our marketing approach, and design our brand image from scratch. The pressure was immense, but as I've always believed, challenges are merely canvases of opportunities.

Our campaign's timing was serendipitous. Launching it on Kosovo's Independence Day (17th February) played a pivotal role in amplifying our message. Patriotism was in the air, and our debut post, "There is no place like my place," resonated deeply. The post went viral, receiving more than 2,000 shares in a day.

The Essence of Rráj

Delving into the name, "Rráj" comes from the Gegë dialect and signifies "roots". It perfectly embodied our mission: to foster a sense of belonging and preserve the essence of home. The visual identity, a minimalist letter-based logo designed by yours truly, had a leaf perched atop the letter "a", representing the unique "á" from the Gegë dialect. This choice was an ode to our rich linguistic heritage, and through it, we aimed to connect more deeply with our fellow Kosovans.

We collaborated extensively. Artists, schools, television shows—our message resonated everywhere. Many TV shows even extended invitations to discuss our project. Such widespread attention and collaboration greatly boosted our reach and reinforced the importance of our cause.

What Lies Ahead

While Rráj as a project has concluded, its spirit lives on. Each member of our dream team has since ventured into different paths. Some are studying abroad, like Elta in New York and Gerti in Greece. Others, like myself, are exploring diverse projects and jobs. But who knows? Maybe the future will see the resurgence of Rráj in a new light.

For me, this journey wasn't just about promoting our heritage; it was a deep dive into self-discovery, teamwork, and resilience. I learned the art of working under pressure, maintaining a brand's identity, and above all, the power of genuine dedication.

If there's one thing I'd like you to take away from the story of Rráj, it's this: By staying rooted in our origins, we discover an unparalleled resilience. Gather your team, define your goals, and embark on your journey. With passion and commitment, you can indeed turn every moment into a masterpiece!

Here's to many more adventures, creative endeavors, and making an impact. Until next time!